Wednesday 27 August 2014

A Natural Healer --- A what?!?

It is really hard to explain my experience from yesterday morning but I am going to try. Let's go back a few weeks when we met some new friends at a campground and got chatting with them. In conversation, Nicole, who is a RMT mentioned she shared an office with a Natural Healer. I asked her what that meant. She went on to tell me a little bit about her and instantly I was intrigued. I have always been open to ideas and different ways of doing things so I asked for her contact details.

To be honest, I wasn't really sure what to expect or to believe. I felt a little skeptical but wanted to go ahead anyways. During my first conversation with Myrna, I instantly felt connected and put at ease. I booked my first consultation and was excited and a little nervous.

Lets take a pause for a moment and talk about WHAT a natural healer actual is. Myrna's expertise are:
EMPT - Eye Movement Processing Technique
IET - Integrated Energy Therapy
Emotional and Trama Release
Ionic Foot Cleanse
Ear Coning
Conflict Resolution
Childhood Abuse Issues
Relationship & Work Issues
Body Detox

She works with the subconscious. According to Wikipedia, here is the explanation of subconscious:

In psychology, the subconscious is the part of consciousness that is not currently in focal awareness. The word subconscious is an anglicized version of the French subconscient as coined by the psychologist Pierre Janet, who argued that underneath the layers of critical thought functions of the conscious mind lay a powerful awareness that he called the subconscious mind.[1] Because there is a limit to the information that can be held in conscious focal awareness, a storehouse of one's knowledge and prior experience is needed; this is the subconscious.[2]
  1. {1} Henri F. Ellenberger, The Discovery of the Unconscious (1970)
  2. {2} Edwin A. Locke, Amy L. Kristof, "Volitional Choices in the Goal Achievement Process, The Psychology of Action: Linking Cognition and Motivation to Behavior, Edited by Peter M. Gollwitzer and John A. Bargh, Chapter 16, p. 365-384"
Now I will be the first to say I have always talked about what we do "subconsciously" but never really understood it. I still don't but that is ok.

Back to the consultation, I called her on Monday morning at 9am and told her I was a little nervous but excited. She said it was very normal...She asked me a few basic question about my family and my childhood and I opening answered and provided her with some background.

She said that we were going to chat about my fears and what holds me back. I am a pretty confident person, have passion for what I do, believe in my choices, my family and am excited about the future but she said the fear of failure for me was extremely strong. She asked permission to go "in" and talk to my subconscious. She said many people want to know 'why' but it is more important to clear it and move on. I agreed and yet still was a little sceptical. She said certain people can 'feel' her, while others cannot.

Well I did feel her and it was incredible. Now you may be thinking, who is this crazy person BUT I am telling you it was incredible. I will tell you more about my story tomorrow. Don't forget to subscribe so you get all the details.

Saturday 24 May 2014

The Juice Cleanse

For years as a personal trainer and a nutrition coach I have been asked about cleanses. "Are they good?" "How do they make you feel?" "Do they work?" I have done some research and given my opinion BUT I have never done one. 

This goes against
everything I do in my health and fitness career. I am my own guinea pig and have always tested my new plans, exercise routines and coaching drills on myself or my husband Ben before I ever give them to my clients. This way,  I know how my clients may feel or what they might be thinking.  Please Note - I have not created this cleanse but would really like to be able to tell my clients and others "MY" experience with it. 

After some research I choose a local Canadian company called Total Cleanse 
I chose this company for a few reasons:

1. It is local and they delver so I do not have to think at all and it makes it super easy. 
2. It came highly recommended from some friends of mine. 
3. It is a small business that was designed from the ground up by a strong woman entrepreneur which I love to support. 

Why would you do a cleanse? I really like this quote from my Total Cleanse Guide:

"Each day, the food and drinks we consume pollute our bodies. Our bodies are neglected and our digestive systems become overloaded. Eventually, this culminates in a quasi-digestive failure which is characterized by a lack of energy, difficulty concentrating, and bloating. We accumulate various toxins in our systems, this only compounds our bodies’ inability to detoxify and digest. Total Cleanse is Canada’s premier cleanse delivery service and provides the perfect variety of cleanses to help you regain your system’s alkaline balance; normalize your digestion and metabolism, detoxify your body and remedy the daily overload we have grown accustomed to."
So how does it work?

I am doing a 3 day cleanse (you can do 1 - 7 days) and they delivered my full supply this morning. 

Each pouch has the juice for the day with cooler packs to keep them cold. 

Each bottle is numbered so I know which juice to take throughout the day. 
Each day has the same group of juices to offer the best combination for the cleanse. 

According to the website, the benefits of a cleanse are:


Our hydrating juices will provide you with natural energy and nutrients. While using Total Cleanse, you can remove chemically treated, processed, or otherwise unhealthy foods and beverages from your diet. Total Cleanse is designed for the average person who wants to give their body a rest without the intense side effects caused by other conventional cleanses or laxatives.
Benefits include: Increased energy levels, weight loss, improved sleep, boosted immune system, skin improvements, clarity of mind, elevates mood/positive outlook, better breath, more relaxed, less bloating.
I am excited to see what happens when I start tomorrow. I am a healthy eater overall but do enjoy a few glasses of wine and some other indulgences (Indian Take Out last night -- yummy). I am most excited to see the energy levels, improved sleep and less bloating. I will be keeping a detailed journal to share my results with you and others. 
Getting ready for the cleanse, according to the website:
Preparing for your Cleanse
Preparing for your cleanse is an essential step in order to make your transition easier. Ideally, you should begin preparing at least 2 to 3 days in advance but the sooner you start the better. Replacing sugar, meat, dairy, alcohol and coffee with fresh vegetables, fruits, some nuts, seeds and fish is a must. Included in your Total Cleanse Guide is a sample menu for you to follow. We’ve also included a post cleanse menu which is beneficial to you after the completion of your cleanse.
Is it Safe?
Now I want to quickly point out that many Nutritionists do not support cleanses. This quote is from a Huffinton Post article called "Do Juice Cleanses Work?"
"Juicing is not better than whole fruits and vegetables. In fact, it removes some nutrients.
While the juice form does hydrate and supply nutrients, registered dietitian Jennifer Nelson says there’s no reliable scientific research to support claims that juicing your produce is healthier than eating it whole. Actually, the fiber and some of the antioxidants found in the skins and seeds of fruits and vegetables are often eliminated in the juicing process. For example, the white pulp in an orange provides flavonoids, but that’s usually left behind.
Because juice doesn’t offer the fiber contained in fruits and veggies, the body absorbs fructose sugar more easily, which can affect blood-sugar levels, according to Food Republic. If you do decide to try a juice cleanse, drink more veggie juices (carrots and beets not included) and limit fruit juice to one glass a day in order to avoid this potential side effect.
None of this means you shouldn’t drink juice. It simply means, instead of drinking only juice for weeks, a healthier route might just be including juices in a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, lean protein and whole grains."
It is a good article that looks at the negatives that some people fail to research before starting a juice cleanse. I think this quote is the best:

Registered dietitian Katherine Zeratsky said it best on Mayo Clinic’s website: “The best diet is a healthy diet based on fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean sources of protein.”

I agree with this 100% -- I want to explore all options so I can speak from my own experience BUT believe the best and most healthy option is real whole foods. 

I will be sharing my experiences on my website and my Facebook page, please join me and and let me know what you think or if you have had your own experiences with juice cleanses. 

To your success,
Lindsay Hack
Healthy Living Coach

Saturday 18 January 2014

Anti-inflammatory Benefits of Foods

As a runner and triathlete, personal trainer and nutrition coach, I get a lot of questions about food after a work out. What are the best kind? When should I eat it? Will it help with the pain?

These are all very important questions to be asking when you are doing any type of workout. Inflammation in moderation is great as it stimulates healthy immune responses in that body that make your cells stronger and more able to protect themselves. While we want to continue to work hard during our workouts we also have to remember that the 3 most important aspects happen AFTER the workout.

The Three Rs

Rehydration - After any workout we need to rehydrate to help eliminate the waste

Refuel - An after workout snack is very important for the muscle to start repairing themselves and should be consumed within 30 minutes of your workout.

Repair - As mentioned above, as our muscles repair themselves, they get stronger

Incorporating foods on a daily basis that are rich in anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce the oxidative stress on the body.

After workout foods are great but what about foods that you can eat on a daily basis to help.

Here are 4 anti-inflammatory foods that you can add to your daily diet:

1. Pineapple - contains bromelain, a poten anti-inflammatory phytonutrient that helps the body heal.

2. Tumeric - contains curcumin, an anti-inflammatory compound that also has pain -reducing effects. It can be added to baking or a smoothie for preventative measures.

3. Magnesium - this mineral is responsible for muscle and nervous system relaxation. It is an electrolyte you sweat out Dark green veggies, brazil nuts, avocado, brown rice, almonds and pecans are all rich in magnesium.

4. Ginger = contains gingerols, which are potent anti-inflammatory compounds that can help with pain reduction in muscles and joints. You can add ginger to many teas, stir-fry and soups.

Try out these 4 super foods and enjoy your next work out!
Lindsay Hack

Sunday 5 January 2014

Starting tomorrow my family (3 and 5 year old daughters, my husband and I) are starting the 100 day challenge of real food. We want to start 2014 off as healthy as possible. We are relatively healthy now but after the Holiday break we have gotten off our routine. We are getting back on with a kick start challenge.
What are the rules?
1. Whole food in its most natural state
2. Lots of fruit and vegetables (local and organic)
3. Dairy products – Milk, cheese, yoghurt and cheese (organic, whole, unsweetened, pastured-raised)
4. Gluten Free
5. Seafood – wild versus farmed
6. Local Meats – grain fed, organic
7. Natural Sweetners – Honey and Pure Maple Syrup
8. Lots of Water
What we cannot HAVE:
1. No refined grains such as white flour or white rice
2. No refined sweeteners such as sugar, any form of corn syrup, cane juice, or the artificial stuff like Splenda
3. Nothing out of a box, can, bag, bottle or package that has more than 5 ingredients listed on the label
4. No deep fried foods
5. No “fast foods”
6. No coffee, black teas, soda or flavoured water (herbal teas are ok)
Why are we doing it?
1. A first-hand, eye opening experience of how to identify the real food in our processed food world.
2. At least one improved health benefit such as having more energy, losing weight, improving regularity, or just feeling healthier overall.
3. The realization that some of those pre-packaged processed “food-like substances” don’t even taste that good compared to real food.
4. The opportunity to teach my children, by example, the healthiest way to eat and enjoy the food mother nature has given us.
I am very passionate about health and wellness and cannot wait to update you as this progressing through the 100 days.
Have you ever done a challenge to keep you accountable? What was it? Did you find it worked or not?
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