Thursday 23 May 2013

We do not worship Simba!

What?!? I know that is a strange title for my blog but it it true.

Let me explain. If you have not seen the Lion King (go see it it's awesome) you may not know that Simba is the Lion King cub. At the beginning of the movie there is a huge ceremony and presentation of the "new king". All of the animals in the jungle bow to the new king and he is placed high in the sky for all to see. Check out what I mean in this quick video:

Ok now back to my point - We should not worship Simba! In our businesses, we tend to look at prospects as Simba. Place them high on a pedestal and bow before them.

Here is a secret:

YOU are the Lion King, not your prospect. I love the quote:

"A Lion doesn't concern itself with the opinions of sheep"

Stop treating your prospects like Simba, take them off the pedestal and treat them like people. You just need to speak to them, ask them questions and listen to the answers. If they want to join your business, GREAT, AMAZING! But if they do not, even better. Say thank you. You just saved your time and energy for someone who wants to join. 

Have an amazing day and stay tuned for more from the No Excuses Summit. 

Yours in Health and Wealth
Lindsay Hack

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