Wednesday 27 August 2014

A Natural Healer --- A what?!?

It is really hard to explain my experience from yesterday morning but I am going to try. Let's go back a few weeks when we met some new friends at a campground and got chatting with them. In conversation, Nicole, who is a RMT mentioned she shared an office with a Natural Healer. I asked her what that meant. She went on to tell me a little bit about her and instantly I was intrigued. I have always been open to ideas and different ways of doing things so I asked for her contact details.

To be honest, I wasn't really sure what to expect or to believe. I felt a little skeptical but wanted to go ahead anyways. During my first conversation with Myrna, I instantly felt connected and put at ease. I booked my first consultation and was excited and a little nervous.

Lets take a pause for a moment and talk about WHAT a natural healer actual is. Myrna's expertise are:
EMPT - Eye Movement Processing Technique
IET - Integrated Energy Therapy
Emotional and Trama Release
Ionic Foot Cleanse
Ear Coning
Conflict Resolution
Childhood Abuse Issues
Relationship & Work Issues
Body Detox

She works with the subconscious. According to Wikipedia, here is the explanation of subconscious:

In psychology, the subconscious is the part of consciousness that is not currently in focal awareness. The word subconscious is an anglicized version of the French subconscient as coined by the psychologist Pierre Janet, who argued that underneath the layers of critical thought functions of the conscious mind lay a powerful awareness that he called the subconscious mind.[1] Because there is a limit to the information that can be held in conscious focal awareness, a storehouse of one's knowledge and prior experience is needed; this is the subconscious.[2]
  1. {1} Henri F. Ellenberger, The Discovery of the Unconscious (1970)
  2. {2} Edwin A. Locke, Amy L. Kristof, "Volitional Choices in the Goal Achievement Process, The Psychology of Action: Linking Cognition and Motivation to Behavior, Edited by Peter M. Gollwitzer and John A. Bargh, Chapter 16, p. 365-384"
Now I will be the first to say I have always talked about what we do "subconsciously" but never really understood it. I still don't but that is ok.

Back to the consultation, I called her on Monday morning at 9am and told her I was a little nervous but excited. She said it was very normal...She asked me a few basic question about my family and my childhood and I opening answered and provided her with some background.

She said that we were going to chat about my fears and what holds me back. I am a pretty confident person, have passion for what I do, believe in my choices, my family and am excited about the future but she said the fear of failure for me was extremely strong. She asked permission to go "in" and talk to my subconscious. She said many people want to know 'why' but it is more important to clear it and move on. I agreed and yet still was a little sceptical. She said certain people can 'feel' her, while others cannot.

Well I did feel her and it was incredible. Now you may be thinking, who is this crazy person BUT I am telling you it was incredible. I will tell you more about my story tomorrow. Don't forget to subscribe so you get all the details.

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