Saturday 18 January 2014

Anti-inflammatory Benefits of Foods

As a runner and triathlete, personal trainer and nutrition coach, I get a lot of questions about food after a work out. What are the best kind? When should I eat it? Will it help with the pain?

These are all very important questions to be asking when you are doing any type of workout. Inflammation in moderation is great as it stimulates healthy immune responses in that body that make your cells stronger and more able to protect themselves. While we want to continue to work hard during our workouts we also have to remember that the 3 most important aspects happen AFTER the workout.

The Three Rs

Rehydration - After any workout we need to rehydrate to help eliminate the waste

Refuel - An after workout snack is very important for the muscle to start repairing themselves and should be consumed within 30 minutes of your workout.

Repair - As mentioned above, as our muscles repair themselves, they get stronger

Incorporating foods on a daily basis that are rich in anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce the oxidative stress on the body.

After workout foods are great but what about foods that you can eat on a daily basis to help.

Here are 4 anti-inflammatory foods that you can add to your daily diet:

1. Pineapple - contains bromelain, a poten anti-inflammatory phytonutrient that helps the body heal.

2. Tumeric - contains curcumin, an anti-inflammatory compound that also has pain -reducing effects. It can be added to baking or a smoothie for preventative measures.

3. Magnesium - this mineral is responsible for muscle and nervous system relaxation. It is an electrolyte you sweat out Dark green veggies, brazil nuts, avocado, brown rice, almonds and pecans are all rich in magnesium.

4. Ginger = contains gingerols, which are potent anti-inflammatory compounds that can help with pain reduction in muscles and joints. You can add ginger to many teas, stir-fry and soups.

Try out these 4 super foods and enjoy your next work out!
Lindsay Hack

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