Sunday 5 January 2014

Starting tomorrow my family (3 and 5 year old daughters, my husband and I) are starting the 100 day challenge of real food. We want to start 2014 off as healthy as possible. We are relatively healthy now but after the Holiday break we have gotten off our routine. We are getting back on with a kick start challenge.
What are the rules?
1. Whole food in its most natural state
2. Lots of fruit and vegetables (local and organic)
3. Dairy products – Milk, cheese, yoghurt and cheese (organic, whole, unsweetened, pastured-raised)
4. Gluten Free
5. Seafood – wild versus farmed
6. Local Meats – grain fed, organic
7. Natural Sweetners – Honey and Pure Maple Syrup
8. Lots of Water
What we cannot HAVE:
1. No refined grains such as white flour or white rice
2. No refined sweeteners such as sugar, any form of corn syrup, cane juice, or the artificial stuff like Splenda
3. Nothing out of a box, can, bag, bottle or package that has more than 5 ingredients listed on the label
4. No deep fried foods
5. No “fast foods”
6. No coffee, black teas, soda or flavoured water (herbal teas are ok)
Why are we doing it?
1. A first-hand, eye opening experience of how to identify the real food in our processed food world.
2. At least one improved health benefit such as having more energy, losing weight, improving regularity, or just feeling healthier overall.
3. The realization that some of those pre-packaged processed “food-like substances” don’t even taste that good compared to real food.
4. The opportunity to teach my children, by example, the healthiest way to eat and enjoy the food mother nature has given us.
I am very passionate about health and wellness and cannot wait to update you as this progressing through the 100 days.
Have you ever done a challenge to keep you accountable? What was it? Did you find it worked or not?
“Helping you stay at home while making a living”
* inspired by – come and join us if you want.

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