Monday 17 December 2012

Multitasking - Is it really helping that "to do" list?

We all do it!! I think as a mother, a wife, an entrepreneur and a woman, I do it a lot!! Check an email here, colour with the kids there, check the oven for dinner and send out a Facebook message. I use to think I was really good at it. My husband could ask me something and I would answer him while texting on my iphone and folding the clean clothes. I would get so angry with him when I asked him a question and he didn't answer because he was answering an email or text message. He would say "if you want my full attention, wait until I am finished". It use to drive me crazy! But when the time came to play with the kids, have a conversation with me or take the day off, his phone was away and he was 'unplugged' so his attention was 100% with them. He knew he could not give 100% to more then one thing at a time. 

When my business started getting busier and my days were filled with more emails, more Facebook messages and texts, I found my multitasking was increasing as well. The time I had planned to spent with the kids or make dinner or plan workouts blurred with everything else I had to do.

So I started thinking about multitasking and the benefits. I knew the ones I could think of; save time, get more done, finish task faster, but of course I wanted more details. I went online and started reading blogs and websites and soon started to see the truth. (Bulp, I don't admit it very often but my husband was right!!)

working woman Success Image courtesy of pong /

According to Wikipedia the definition of multitasking: is the best performance by an individual of appearing to handle more than one task at the same time. The term is derived from computer multitasking. An example of multitasking is taking phone calls while typing an email. Some believe that multitasking can result in time wasted due to human context switching and apparently causing more errors due to insufficient attention.

A recent article on said that Multitasking DOES NOT work. It says that we all multitask to try and save time but in reality we are not saving any "valuable" time. You may be able to watch TV, read a blog, make dinner and do some squats to get your exercise in but did you really take much away from what you were watching on TV? Or from the blog? You can get stuff done multitasking but what gets left behind?

Our short term memories can only store between 5 - 9 things at once. So if you are trying to read a good blog and watch something important on the TV, our brain just can't take in and process all the information at once. If the information doesn't get placed in the short term memory it cannot be stored in the long-term memory to recall later. So in reality, you didn't accomplish much from the blog or the TV watching. So was it worth it in the first place?

One of the best parts of my business is I can work from anywhere. Starbucks, the beach, at the park or at home. I always talk about my favourite benefit is that I get to spent time with my kids when others working a 9-5 job do not. I love it but what I was finding was that when I was really busy and working hard, that blurred line came into my time with my kids. I didn't like it. I wanted to spend quality time with them, not passive time while I checked my iphone again for emails and texts. The downside of working your business from anywhere, is often times I do work it everywhere!! The need to disconnect, unplug and remove from business and get on the floor and play Lego or barbies or make cookies while making a huge mess is SO important to our everyday routine. If you can commit to time with 100% attention, your brain will function better, the memories will be stored for later and every aspect of your time will get better.

mother and children image courtesy of photostock /

Stay tunes for my blog on Scheduling and organizing when working from home. In the mean time, turn off the tv, unplug the phone and go play dress up with the kids or go for a bike ride. That activity and that time will be much better spent in the long run.

Yours in Health and Wealth

If you are interested in learning more about me and my business, please check out my website:
Tweet with me @Evolve4U

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